The dust has settled (hardeharhar) according to Ryanair and they are now selling three million tickets for a mere £3. Yes folks, if you ever wanted to leap on a plane for no other reason than you happen to have £3 lying around, then this is your moment.
The deal finishes tomorrow so it’s best you nab your flights right this very minute. Right now. Immediately. For only £3 there’s very little to think about, is there? Although I must point out that they are only one way, that they don’t include optional fees and charges..
Right, so the places these flights are going to include Aarhus, Belfast, Billund, Bologna, Bremen, Dublin, Bremen, Figari, Ciudad Real, Genoa, Glasgow, Kerry, Oslo and plenty more. If you want to go to places like Gran Canary you’ll have to fork out an enormous £29.99 (hahaha).
Go on, grab a flight or five, you’re worth it.