Amazon seller Buydealpe is selling insulated cooler carry bags for £2.99 delivered and I think they look fab! Remember to look at 'Other Sellers' to find these bags at these prices!
It's that time of year again where a day out can cost you a fortune as the kids constantly want something to drink or eat. A round of drinks, one of ice creams and maybe some lunch and the day out can quickly become a luxury item.
We take our lunch us, which means if we're all drinking our own water, and have fruit and other juicy things to keep us cool, and our lunch, we can sit and enjoy an icecream without me worrying about the budget - and we can have a day out regularly too. It's certainly worth the effort.
These Pixnor bags are made from something called Oxford Fabric and advance insulation aluminum film, which according to the reviewers really does keep your drinks cold and your food fresh, especially if you put an ice block in with it.
Some reviewers had issues with zips breaking and so on, but most loved them, and for the price you can't really go wrong.