I might as well just give up; resign myself to the fact that writing for PlayPennies at Christmas time is lethal and hand my bank manager some tissues - every time I tell myself I'm DONE with present-buying for my youngest son, I come across something else that he'll LOVE.
This WowWee Paper Jamz guitar is one of those things - okay, truth be told, I want to play with one but I know he'd love it - and Argos are currently selling it for £9.09 instead of £25.49; tell me that's NOT a deal, go on...I dare you!
I think these Paper Jamz instruments are amazing; they're just 3mm thick and have Active Graphics tech' which allows you to become a rock star just by touching the surface.
There are three play modes for you to choose from:
- Perfect Play - play any one of three integrated songs by strumming
- Rhythm Play - where you use your skills to play like the real guitarist in time with the same three songs
- Freestyle Play - where you can use the majors, minors and sevenths (it sounds like I know what I'm talking about doesn't it!) to compose your own hits.
This WowWee Paper Jamz Guitar also has a built-in speaker with volume control and can be plugged into a Paper Jamz amplifier too; awesome.
Thanks to Turnip at HUKD