Everythings Rosie 10-In-A-Box Jigsaw Puzzle £2.95 @ Amazon

Everythings Rosie 10-In-A-Box Jigsaw Puzzle £2.95 @ Amazon

If you have an Everything's Rosie fan in your family and you get yourself over to Amazon, you'll be able to pick up an Everything's Rosie 10-in-a-box jigsaw puzzle for £2.95 instead of £9.99.

After a little bit of investigating this morning, I've discovered that Rosie is a ragdoll who lives in a tree house and goes on all sorts of adventures with her friends and learn about friendship along the way - how lovely, I'm sure if my daughter was the target age, instead of being almost 17, Everything's Rosie is something she would have liked.

 LOVE jigsaw puzzles - love them, love them, LOVE THEM!  They are simple, don't require any batteries, don't make any noise and are just fantastic 'tools' for developing key skills in our children without them even realising it.

First you need to sort the corners from the edges and the middle pieces; then you need to put everything together to form the pictures  using all your fine motor skills along with their friends 'pattern recognition' and 'problem solving'.  Only when you've done all of that can you revel in the feeling of absolute satisfaction as you fit that final piece of the puzzle into place.

There are 10 little Everything's Rosie puzzles to complete that all fit together to form a larger picture; I think it's a lovely little puzzle that will provide a little Everythings Rosie fan with hours and hours of fun and edutainment.

All the usual Amazon delivery options apply.

Thanks to wishihadadonkey at HUKD

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  • TheDevineMrsJ
    Its back up to £8.29