I am not buying my kids Chocolate Easter Eggs this year, I am going to save myself some money and get them some fun Hatching Eggs. They are under £2 each and are way more exciting than a couple of mouthfuls of confectionery. eBay Store: supersummer900 sell them from £1.69 delivered.
There are different animals to choose from and all are under £2: dinosaur, flamingo, unicorn, penguin, fish, crocodile, lizard, chelonian, koala, owl and kangaroo.
If those don't appeal to you, then there's also mermaid and fairy ones too.
How do these work? Basically, you get an Egg, that you are to place in water. Over time, ours have previously taken 24-48 hours, it'll hatch.
Inside the Egg is a rubbery, plastically animal that your child will love more than the £50+ present you bought them at Christmas.
Delivery is FREE of charge.