The Little Mermaid / Tinkerbell Umbrella £2.40 (With Code) @ The Works

The Little Mermaid / Tinkerbell Umbrella £2.40 (With Code) @ The Works

Kids love having their own Umbrella. You don't have to spend a fortune either... head over to The Works where they have The Little Mermaid Umbrella and a Tinkerbell one too, for just £3 each. Use promo code VKING20 at the checkout, and all you'll pay is £2.40 for one.

Why don't they make adults' Umbrellas like the kids' ones? They never blow inside out. It must be the design of them.

Both The Little Mermaid and Tinkerbell Umbrellas have a popper fastening and an easy grip plastic handle.

It's made with little people in mind, and is easy to carry and use.

You can Click and Collect your Disney Umbrella for FREE from a The Works store near you, or pay £2.99 for home delivery.

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