Disney Princess Royal Cleaning Set £6.40 @ Tesco

Disney Princess Royal Cleaning Set £6.40 @ Tesco

disneyPrincessCleaningSetTescos have reduced the price of this Disney Princess Royal Cleaning Set from £20 to £6.40, but this is the final reduction and only applies until all stock has gone.

I'm consoling myself that this cleaning set isn't an evil ploy to reinforce the gender stereotype that a girl's place is in the home cleaning it, and that it's purely based on Cinderella and similar fairytales...it's not working very well so I'll try not to spit venom as I write this post.

Mind you, that said, kids love to play 'house' - my youngest son LOVED pretending to cook dinner for the family in the Little Tikes playhouse that was in the pocket park close to home.

Then they become teenagers and ANYTHING housework becomes strictly off limits.

I'm not sure a Disney Priness Royal Cleaning Set featuring a broom, a bucket, dustpan and brush, feather duster, sponge and squirty bottle will encourage my teenage daughter to clean her room - only posting photos of  her pit of doom on Facebook, for all her friends to see, does that (she was NOT happy when I did that this week!).

However, if you have a neat and tidy little Princess in your household and can stomach seeing her getting to grips with housework at such a tender age, then go for it and buy her this Disney Princess Royal Cleaning Set.

Thanks to shadow1 at HUKD

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