All three of my boys were dressed up in cute little outfits when they were babies. I just LOVE seeing novelty clothing on them. Let's face it, it's not long before they won't wear anything you pick out for them. Amazon have an impressive selection of Sophie La Girafe/Disney Baby Costumes and they are very reasonably priced too.
As always with any clothing at Amazon, the prices vary greatly depending on what size you are after. Some of the outfits work out cheaper from the Amazon Sellers.
Like Winnie the Pooh? These might please you: Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh Tabard* for £16 delivered, Disney Baby Piglet Tabard and Hat* just £16 delivered and Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh All in One*for £20 delivered.... all from Amazon Seller: Costume Chest.
This Sophie La Girafe Tabard and Hat*starts from just £6.06 and this Sophie La Girafe All in One with Moulded Head*is from £6.80 only.
Sellers like Costume Chest offer FREE delivery on each item. If you are buying from Amazon you have to spend £20+ for FREE delivery or pay £3,30 if spending under that amount.