Needing to save but don't have the money to spare? The average household in the UK is said to have £20 worth of pennies lying around in clothes, bags and around the house. The PlayPennies 1p Saving Challenge demonstrates just how much you can tuck away by saving the odd spare penny.
In a year (365 days), you can start by saving 1p on day one, 2p on day two and by the last day you will have a whopping total of £667.95! What a low impact way to work towards that holiday or wedding dress.
I find it easier to start with the higher amounts so you don't have to save so much towards Christmas when we know we are spending out more on Christmas gifts. Or sometimes I just pop in random amounts and tick them off the chart when I have the coins to hand.
This chart shows you exactly how much to pop in the piggy bank each day...
Why not print yourself a copy off here and start saving today?
I am grabbing one of thesePaint Your Own Money Boxes* to store my money in, or you could get a Digital Coin Bank* that counts the money for you, making it even easier to keep track