On a bit of a Thomas The Tank Engine roll here, but I couldn't resist sharing this awesome deal with you! Series 1 – 11 of Thomas the Tank Engine from Asda for £15.00. That's 11 discs with 288 episodes for your enjoyment or insanity. You then add a 10% discount code and the set is yours for just £13.50.
While 2215 minutes of Thomas might be enough to drive you round the proverbial bend, there's no denying that this would make a great present for a fan, young or old. The first two series have Ringo Starr as story teller, and Michael Angelis carries on from series 3 – 11.
Add the discount code KIDS10 at checkout for an additional 10% off, and throw in the free delivery, and this set can keep your little ones entertained for hours and hours and hours and more hours – this is probably the one Christmas present that'll still look pretty new next year this time.
This deal is exclusive to Asda and seems like a fantastic way for Thomas and Friends to celebrate their 65th anniversary.
Thanks to edi and debvicking and the commenters at HUKD