Sainsburys Half Price Toy Sale Starts TOMORROW!

Sainsburys Half Price Toy Sale Starts TOMORROW!

sainsbury'sHEADS UP EVERYONE! The Sainsbury's Half Price Toy Sale starts tomorrow and runs until Wednesday 3 November!

Much excitement and rumour always surrounds the Sainsbury's half price toy sale and for good reason.

There are just eight weeks and a couple of days to go until Christmas and this is the perfect opportunity to get a lot of your Christmas toy shopping sorted out for a fraction of the price it could cost.

The site is nice and easy to naviagte with the toy and games department split into various sections:

If you find something that's in stock now that you like and are worried it will go out of stock tomorrow before you get a chance to place your order, you could try this tactic from HUKDer Barky:

At lunchtime the day BEFORE the sale put all the stuff you want in your basket, jump online just after midnight and refresh your basket, it will go to half price - thats what I did last year.

Apparently things will stay in your basket as long as you've created an account and are logged in when you add the items you want to buy. I have no idea whether this works or not, but according to Barky it did last year - you haven't got anything to lose by trying!

Good luck and happy half price toy sale shopping!

Thanks to nicster08 over at HUKD

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  • Taz
    Is it half price on ALL Toys?