Plush Wibbly Pig £1 @ Tesco Direct

Plush Wibbly Pig £1 @ Tesco Direct

HAHAAAA! I searched through the archives to see whether any of us have written anything about Wibbly Pig before, and all that came up was Tamsin's Slendertone Abs Challenge post!

So this is the first Wibbly Pig post then, and he's a very cute one too - you can bag yourself a little 15cm plush Wibbly Pig for £1.

I adore Wibbly Pig, he's just TOO cute! I first came across him in a little book called 'It's bedtime Wibbly Pig' - Edward, my youngest, loves reading it to this day.

Suitable from birth, this Wibbly Pig is going to get filthy over time, so it's a good job he can thrown in the washing machine and washed clean on 30C - just make sure your little one doesn't see him churning round and round in the drum, I can guarantee tears would ensue!

Now, unless you're having a Wibbly Pig themed party and are going to order a fair few of them, then completely forget the idea of having just one or two delivered - rather go and pick him up in-store instead, otherwise a £1 Wibbly Pig will cost you £4 with the £3 delivery charge on top.

Thanks to shoptilyoudrop at HUKD

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  • Arriaga
    Haha, I nabbed two of these to give as part of a newborn hamper to twins - they were soooo cute! They keep going in and out of stock on Tesco since they are so cheap (think they are £6 each at Boots!).