NEW Character Suitcase Range @ Matalan

Marvel, Darth Vader, Unicorns and more
NEW Character Suitcase Range @ Matalan

If you want your suitcase to really stand out on the airport carousel you'll love these new character cases at Matalan. As well as that amazing Minnie Mouse Luggage that you all loved, you can now get Star Wars Darth Vader Luggage, Marvel Comics Avengers Luggage plus mermaids, festival sunset, and lots of kids character designs too.

It's the big character suitcases that really caught our attention, as they're sturdy hard shell cases for adults, but featuring designs that will make your case easy to identify in a hurry. My favourite is the Marvel Luggage*, though I think the Darth Vader Luggage* is a wonderful style, and a little more subtle than the bright comic-book Avengers one.

The Unicorn Suitcases* are back for the 2019 holiday season, after being a best seller last year, and we're also loving the Constellation Holographic* and Constellation Rose Cases* too. And don't forget to check out our guide to the best kid's suitcases and luggage.

Unicorn suitcases and Sunset Festival suitcases from Matalan

Constellation Holographic and Rose suitcases

Prices vary by style, with most of the hard shell cases starting at around £40, with children's cases from £15.

Click and collect from store is free of charge. Home delivery starts at £3.99, or it's free on orders over £50.

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