National Trust Pond Dipping Kit £5.62 @ Sainsbury’s

National Trust Pond Dipping Kit £5.62 @ Sainsbury’s

Sainsbury’s have a National Trust Pond Dipping Kit on sale, reduced from £10 to £5.62. Click and Collect is free, but standard delivery is £3.95

Of course, with the current weather you don’t have to wait long to find a ‘pond’ – just look on the side of the road and you’ll find a puddle of water. It might not have much living in it though, so to really take advantage of this set, head to your local pond.

The set comes with a net, handheld magnifier and observation pot to get a closer look at all the different and exciting organisms that are rarely seen up close.

Inside the box you’ll also find a comprehensive field guide, task and activity booklet and a full content list, perfect for occupying little ones  for hours – although it goes without saying that ponds should always come with adult supervision!

Thanks to wasntme at HUKD

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