Novelty pacifiers are the Marmite of the dummy world- you either love 'em or you hate 'em. Personally, I think they look ever so cute and make great photo props for babies. Reputable Amazon Seller: iDealhere is selling these Novelty Moustache Pacifiers for just £1.41 including FREE delivery. They are selling from China so you should expect to have a couple of weeks wait for these to arrive.
The Moustache Novelty Pacifier comes in three colours: Black (£1.41), Light Brown (£1.43) and Dark Brown (£1.43). All with FREE delivery.
Think of Halloween... a baby Mario? McDonalds were giving away Mario Caps with Happy Meals recently. Gomez Adams? Magnum PI? There are so many funny ones you could do with this.
I know these are marketed as a pacifier but I think they are more suited to being a safe, novelty, dress up item for baby. I wouldn't go binning all of your baby's other dummies in favour of this. Having said that, the reviews are good and the teat is made from non toxic, food-safe material.
If you get one, be sure and send us a pic of your little Moustache baby!