Pretty Pink Ice Cream Maker £9.99 @ Argos

Pretty Pink Ice Cream Maker £9.99 @ Argos

ice cream maker

Mmmm ice cream! Just because the weather has been abysmal so far, this summer doesn't mean you have to miss out on the good stuff. Argos have reduced the Pretty Pink Ice Cream Maker from £24.99 to just £9.99. Even when the sun doesn't shine, you can enjoy your favourite flavour of ice cream. I am so tempted to buy one of these but I fear I would replace all of my meals with ice cream.

The Pretty Pink Ice Cream Maker comes complete with a Paddle and one litre Freeze Bowl. It's mains powered so it's a step up from those ice cream shakers you get for the same price.

I would say that this is aimed at kids, although please note that Argos have put an age recommendation of 12 years old on this. The review suggest the machine itself is fine but the instructions are rubbish.

For just under £10, I think you will get your money's worth out of this. It can come out on rainy days and it's something affordable and fun to do with the kids.

You can Reserve and Collect the Pretty Pink Ice Maker for FREE from an Argos near you or pay £3.95 to have it delivered to your door.

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  • Hks28

    hi I recently 

    • Hks28

      hi I recently bought this item, but it came with no instructions. Where can u get dome from?