Tesco have managed to trump Amazon with their deal on this Very Hungry Caterpillar Magnetic Adventures set; Tesco are selling it for £2.95, instead of £7.95, whereas Amazon are selling it for £5.
I adore the Very Hungry Caterpillar and if you're a regular PlayPennies reader then this will not have escaped your attention.
I must confess to being tempted by this The Very Hungry Caterpillar Magnetic Adventures set - as it's only a few quid - as I could make some fab' VHC scenes on my fridge; for some bizarre reason, that really appeals to me!
That's what you do with this Very Hungry Caterpillar Magnetic Adventures set, you create scenes with some, or all, of the 31 magnetic play pieces.
There are four different play scenes and you can use the metal play tin or any other metal surface, include fridges (yippeee!) to make your very own Very Hungry Caterpillar scenes.
If you find yourself spending a lot of time in the kitchen and have young children hanging around at your ankles, then playing with things like this Very Hungry Caterpillar Magnetic Adventures set on the fridge or freezer door is ideal for keeping them amused while you're busy.
Thanks to lucerysmum at HUKD