Horrid Henry DVDs £9.95 @ Base

Horrid Henry DVDs £9.95 @ Base

horridHenryDVDsThe Horrid Henry books made for great reading; the Horrid Henry DVDs make for great viewing too and Base are selling this Horrid Henry DVD collection of series one for £9.95, they're usually £19.99

There have been tales of good sibling/bad sibling for as long as I can remember, in fact, if you're a similar age to me then you might recall the My Naughty Little Sister books.

All three of my children have loved reading the Horrid Henry stories; the teenagers are rather enjoying rediscovering them through reading them to my youngest and it's just occurred to me that of all the kids DVDs we have, Horrid Henry DVDs aren't among them.

There's often the thought that if your kids watch things like these Horrid Henry DVDs that they've become horrid too.  Kids are generally smart; all three of my children, whilst amused by Horrid Henry, got the message loud and clear that this was NOT the way to behave. So if you were worried about Horrid Henry having a negative impact on your child, fear not!

There are 52 episodes in series one on these Horrid Henry DVDs which equates to 572 minutes; enough horridness to keep your little angels  amused for a little while methinks.

Thanks to lucerysmum at HUKD

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