This was one of my all time favourite TV series when it first came out and I’m trying very hard not to hold the last three seasons against it. In fact, it got so bad I can’t remember if I finished watching the final season or not. Still, this is an ace price for the entire collection, even if it isn’t that good towards the end.
This is one series that hit the big time really fast and had the world enthralled. The first season was, quite simply, epic and awesome and filled with mystery. It had my entire family on the edge of their seats, gasping for more.
While you won’t be as enamoured with the series in seasons two and three, season four does sort of pull everything back together and make it all worthwhile. If you haven’t watched these yet, and you love a good mystery and superhero thing, then this is definitely well worth getting in time for the winter nights that are on their way.
Thanks to merb0786 at HUKD!