Amazon are selling this very cute looking My First Gruffalo Touch and Feel book for £5.59, rather than its usual £9.99.
Ahhh, a Gruffalo book I've NOT written about - I have to tell you, with so many Gruffalo things on the market it's lovely to be able to write about a new one!
So, as the 'My first Gruffalo' bit of the title suggests, this My First Gruffalo Touch and Feel book is for the very youngest end of the Gruffalo audience. It has 12 touchy-feely pages and fabulous reviews from people who've already bought it...
"I was delighted to find this new version of the Gruffalo because it's suitable for really young kids. I was also impressed by just how big the book is - and because it's a board book it should withstand the usual throwing on the floor!"
"This book is fantastic. Illustrations are gorgeous, and the ryhmes are short but sweet. So a fantastic bed time story, my nephew loves this book, fantastic buy."
There are plenty more and the general consensus of opinion is that the sticky warty nose is the touch-feely bit almost all of the kids like most. The pages also feature rough terrible claws, and a soft furry Gruffalo tummy; you can feel his knobbly knees and tickle his purple prickles too.
Books like this My First Gruffalo Touch and Feel book are one of the few things that make me (almost) wish my youngest was a few years younger again so I could buy it for him.
Thanks to leajane28 at HUKD