Build Your Own Haynes Combustion Engine £16.99 @ Amazon

Build Your Own Haynes Combustion Engine £16.99 @ Amazon

If you pop over to Amazon you'll be able to pick up this Build Your Own Haynes Combustion Engine model making kit for £16.99, rather than its usual full price of £29.99.

My dad is an engineer and as soon as I was old enough to drive he made sure I knew my way around an engine and basic car maintenance -  'if you're going to drive a car then you should at least know the basics and how to 'fix' it' was his opinion.

It was an opinion and education that served me well, I've never felt lost when my early cars (aka old bangers!) didn't start in the mornings; I can replace a set of spark plugs and brake pads (if I really have to), change the oil and filter and generally do all the other things that save money if you do them yourself - mind you, try even finding the spark plugs in modern cars now!

So don't think this Build Your Own Haynes Combustion Engine is just for boys, there's absolutely no good reason why girls shouldn't, and won't want to, know about how the internal combustion engine works.

It features over 100 parts that you and your apprentice mechanic must put together in the correct order (otherwise it won't fire), has an electric motor (very green!) and spark plugs that glow.

It requires 2 AA batteries and comes with its very own Haynes manual, which has made me feel very nostalgic - you have to be of a certain age and driven cars twice as old as yourself to feel the love for Haynes manuals!

Thanks to wishihadadonkey at HUKD

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