Mister Maker Wild Animal Masks £2.80 @ House Of Fraser

Mister Maker Wild Animal Masks £2.80 @ House Of Fraser

misterMakerWildAnimalMasksA modest saving to be had here, but a saving is a saving in my book - House of Fraser are selling Mister Maker Wild Animal Masks kits for £2.80 (with free delivery) instead of £5.

My youngest loves Mister Maker and he has a HUGE cupboard full of gloopy glue and all shapes and sizes of googly eyes at his Dad's house.

We almost managed to snag tickets to a Mister Maker show a couple of years ago too; I'm not sure who was more disappointed when missed out, him or me.

These Mister Maker Wild Animal Masks are great things to have tucked away in the cupboard for a rainy day, not only will your child (and you) have fun making them but there'll be lots of ROARRRRING and GROWWWWLING and role playto be indulged in afterwards.

There are five different masks to be made with the Mister Maker Wild Animal Masks kit: Tiger, Leopard, Giraffe, Zebra and Snake and each kit comes with pens, glitter, templates and glue to decorate them with.

Delivery is free remember, so £2.80 is all you need to pay to get wild with child/children and Mister Maker.

Thanks to Adam2050 at HUKD

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