Play have taken a couple of pounds off the price of this friendship bracelet kit, bringing it down to £5 from £7.99.
This friendship bracelet kit is the sort of thing that I would have loved to have been given for my birthday or for Christmas; big pressies like bikes or computers were great (obviously) but I really liked the little things that meant I could sit down and lose a few hours making, whatever it was, that needed to be made.
Friendships are made and broken, especially when you're still in playground territory, but all the while things are going well it's lovely to wear something that 'ties' you together.
Making friendship bracelets for your friends was all the rage when my daughter was little - maybe it still is if you're of a certain age, at 16 it's not so cool though.
What IS cool, however, is everything that's included in this friendship bracelet kit.
You get a full - colour 'how - to' book with easy to follow patterns for five bracelet designs. There are 96 metres of threads in 12 different colours, plus coloured safety pins to keep the bracelets in shape whilst you're making them and it's all packaged in a colourful tin measuring 160 x 115 x 40mm.
A little present bargain for £5, I think.
Thanks to joesif at HUKD