If the coming summer months fill you with ‘what will I do with the children’ dread, then it’s a good idea to get started early.
I’m a big believer in activity packs, pre made and pre set up. Of course, with a toddler that’s easy: coloured pasta, coloured rice, a colouring book and pencils – there are so many options. As they get older, however, those things aren’t quite going to cut it anymore, and it may be time to call in the professionals. Which is where Galt’s activity packs come in. I love them and really look forward to the day I can do these fun and creative activities with my girls!
The Activity Pack Value Bundle at Galttoys.com have a 20% reduction, basically saving you a £1 on each activity pack. At £4 each, it’ll give you a week’s worth of activities at one a day for £23.95. Or if not for yourself, these would make great presents too.
In the Activity Pack bundle, you’ll find Friendship Braids, Mini Sports, Sparkle Jewellery, Charm Bracelets, Bouncy Balls, and Cute Cupcakes.
Hours of fun, I’m sure.