Free Competitions: Win A Cow, Xbox 360 Plus £100 Worth Of Games Or A Smart TV

Free Competitions: Win A Cow, Xbox 360 Plus £100 Worth Of Games Or A Smart TV

It's competition time again and this first one is SO weird I couldn't not tell you about it: be drawn as the winner of this competition and you'll be the proud owner of a life-size fibre glass cow - I know, I know, who wouldn't want to be the owner of a full sized fibre glass cow!

You can decide how you'd like it painted - in full rainbow colours if you wish! - and not only that the name of your cow will be given to the first cow that the charity 'Send A Cow' sends to an African family in 2013.

To enter, just submit the name you'd choose for your cow before 13 January 2013 to be in with a chance of winning.

Up next, your chance to win an Xbox 360 and £100 worth of games - from winning cows to send to Africa to Xboxes, don't say we're not diverse here at PlayPennies!

To enter you must do the following, it's a bit of a fiddle but worth it if you want to be in the running for winning an Xbox:

  • Choose the £100 worth of games you'd like by following THIS LINK
  •  THEN, copy and paste the full URLs of the games you'd like into an email with 'Competition Xbox 360' as the title and mail it to:; and
  • Do it all before 15 October

Smart TVs are now the hot television to have, 3D TVs are soooo 'yesterday' now.  This competition, to win an aforementionedSamsung Smart TV worth £500, is nice and easy to enter - simply 'like' the Facebook Page before 30 September, then wait to see whether you're the lucky winner.


Thanks to andywedge and pjj1805 at HUKD

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