Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have £250 of ELC vouchers to spend just before Christmas?
Just enter your details to be entered in to this competition and that's what you could have...if you win.
[Expires - 30 November 2010]
The iPad is bound to be at the top of lots of Christmas lists this year - if you don't fancy buying one, then have a bash at winning one instead!
No questions, no having to do a dance or sing a song - just enter your details.
[Expires - 9 October 2010 (that's NEXT SATURDAY)]
If an iPad isnt' going to be big enough for you, then perhaps a Lenovo all-in-one PC will be better for you; again, just enter your details for your chance to win.
[Expires - 16 October 2010]
£200 of Amazon vouchers would also come in pretty handy for Christmas too, so enter this competition and that's what you could win.
Give the answer to this question and hand over your details: What is the name of the FBI agent in Haven?
[Expires - 16 October 2010. Answer - Audrey Parker]
GOOD LUCK - see you next week
Thanks to sophz777, Jedi Master and Hullywood over at HUKD!