Sometimes it's the simplest things that keep the children occupied. Think of what you used to play with as a child. One thing we used to take to the park, the beach or to picnics was the Frisbee. It was easy to pack and it was something that the whole family could play. Get the Playm8 Soft Flying Disc from Newitts for just £1.02 delivered. Delivery is FREE, which is really great considering how cheap the item is.
Ever been hit in the face by a hard plastic Frisbee or had a near miss with a window? Now you know why these Playm8 Soft Flying Discs are a good alternative.
These come in an assortment of colour and it doesn't look you get to choose which one you want.
If you want to keep the kids active then one of these is an easy solution and it's something the kids can play by themselves, with siblings/friends or with you.
This is something that you can easily slip into the suitcase for going on holiday. It's quite amazing how much fun the kids can have without any technology.
Thanks to taswir1 @ HUKD