Men's Swim Shorts from £2.70 delivered with codes @ Boohoo Man

Use code MAN10 and MANFREE
Men's Swim Shorts from £2.70 delivered with codes @ Boohoo Man

This is a brilliant offer for your last minute holiday essentials as Boohoo Man have men's swim shorts from just £2.70 delivered with codes! They're from just £3 in the sale, but use the code MAN10 for 10% off then the code MANFREE for free delivery and you'll pay just £2.70 delivered!

There are 18 different styles to choose from at this super low price, and seeing as these were as much as £12 at full price it's a huge saving.

Screenshot showing Men's Swim Shorts for £2.70 delivered with codes at Boohoo Man

I got my kids and husband a load of Boohoo swim shorts on a similar offer stack last summer when they were £3.60 delivered, so this is even better! They were great quality and did the boys for their holidays, as well as my eldest for swimming every week since so for that price they're amazing value.

Make sure you use both the MAN10 and MANFREE codes to get this low price and free standard delivery, and they should work on all sale items.

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