Today seems to be my day for uncovering awesome voucher codes that will net you brilliant bargains in time for Mother’s Day. This voucher code is for Ellos, the leading mail order fashion brand in Sweden, and it will net you 15% off plus free delivery until 30 September 2012. Wow, that’s a long lasting voucher!
You will find they have quite an impressive range of items on sale at Ellos from the latest spring and summer trends to kid’s items and even a mega sale to pick from. You can use the code 4922 to get your 15% discount and your free delivery but it is not valid on sale items! Or you can use the code 4923 to get 20% off instead.
The sale items at Ellos are mostly winter related but some of them are classic designs, such as the three-quarter length jacket, that will look as good next season as they do this one. You will find discounts up to 60% in the sale, which is very nice indeed.