Terry Pratchett 10 Book Bundle £9.99 @ WH Smith

Terry Pratchett 10 Book Bundle £9.99 @ WH Smith

Oooh, now this is a fab deal! What you get from WH Smith for your precious £9.99 is a ten book bundle of Terry Pratchett books that will be perfect for any fan, or for someone who has never read his work and you just know will love it. A stunning Christmas gift!

The Terry Pratchett 10 book bundle is packed with ten titles from his huge collection and the fun part is that you have absolutely no idea which books you are going to get. Anything from Jingo to Witches Abroad to the Light Fantastic – your guess is as good as mine.

The approximate retail price of the entire set sits between £70 and £90, depending, I assume, on which books you will get and what their retail value is. They are delivered free to a local WH Smith or you can buy two and get it delivered to your home for free as they offer free delivery on orders over £15.

Thanks to macdoona at HUKD!

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