Free Customised Video Message From Santa

Free Customised Video Message From Santa

SantaLet’s stick with the mince-pie eating, present loving warmth of Christmas shall we! Here’s a lovely free offer that parents can snap up for their tots, or to send naughty messages to each other. It’s up to you!

Ok, I just lost half an hour having fun on this website. I’ve made one for my husband, one for my daughter and may just have to make another one for some friends. It honestly doesn’t take that long to do, I just had to watch each and every movie and laugh. 

Simply choose the age of your recipient, whether they have been naughty or nice and add in some personal details and a photo. These make such excellent touches in the movie. I saSanta snowid my hubby was naughty so his photo appeared with a big X through it and Santa looking mournfully at the camera and shaking his head in disappointment. 

The kiddy ones are just adorable. I wish I’d had these as a child – imagine getting a personal message from Santa?! Where he has your photo and knows what you want for Christmas! It’s just a lot of fabulous free fun that you have to try out today.

Thanks to mrlee from HUKD!

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  • Heidi S.
    LOVE this. Love it.
    • MrLee
      Thankyou for spreading the word, it's so good I want as many children as possible to get a special video this christmas
      • tess
        • stephanie
          I would really like to do this for my little one, but whenever i try it just keeps taking me back to the first page. Has anyone else experienced this, and or resolved it?? x
          • mandy m.
            Disapointed! tryed several times but failed everytime, i have three young girls that would have been over the moon with their message, anyone with any tips please let me know.
            • Tamsin O.
              This is so sad! I had no problems at all. Am gutted for you. I wonder if it's just bad luck that perhaps you log on just when tons of others do and it can't handle the demand?
              • clairecampbell
                how do i get a message for my wee girl?