Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Wii Remote £24.99 @ Base

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Wii Remote £24.99 @ Base


Doctor Who fans rejoice! You can now play with your Wii using a Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver remote. How awesome is that? You could even invest in a bowtie or a long coat and dress up like the Doctor as you play. Down from £34.99 to £24.99 at base, it would make an ace Christmas gift for the person that’s impossible to buy for.

The Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Wii remote is a fully functional wiimote that will work perfectly with your Wii. It can be connected to the Nunchuk controller, the Wii MotionPlus attachments and does everything that a “normal” wiimote does. In short, it’s the real thing but looks far, far cooler.

It runs off a rechargeable battery (awesome for the environment and a great battery to include) or you can charge it using the supplied charge cable. Actually, that’s better than the standard remotes that eat batteries and can’t be charged remotely. Brilliant.

This remote is just awesome and I want one.

Thanks to Not ready yet at HUKD!

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  • jcm
    i got on of these coll dr who wii remotes but for some reason it wont work the lights flash and the red light comes on but the romote just doesnt charge so i cant use it any more and im getting verry up set about it because my mum sias take it back and this would of bieng my personal remote so please help me figure this out and getit working