Creative Crafts To Transform The Home

Creative Crafts To Transform The Home

When you live somewhere for a long time you can get a bit bored of it all. I know that we tend to be cluttered and messy and a bit rubbish at making our home into a chic pad for three. I’ve given up on getting a tidy home, I’m build for comfort not for chic, and have instead started to investigate fun ways of transforming everyday objects into fun creations.

This is not only brilliant for the crafty side of you, but it is also an excellent way of recycling, renewing and replenishing your home. You can use old things to make new and revitalise each room. Do it slowly, plan it out and savour each craft as you go! Here are some ideas I’ve found on the web that are just enchanting. Enjoy!

Kid’s storage? Make a Liberty-style suitcase just like the ones produced by Liberty of London. They wrapped theirs up in their iconic floral prints and these items sold out in minutes. Instead of looking on enviously, make your own for storing kiddy bits and pieces or to even store your crafting stash. You can find all the instructions on the Home siteand a complete list of all the items you will need. I recommend visiting eBay or a local car boot sale if you need to find a cardboard suitcase for this project.

Spoonful is another lovely resource for crafty parents, but this is more of a spot where the kids can make things out of tat lying about the home rather than things for the home specifically. It is one way of distracting them while you’re trying to measure twice, cut once! I particularly like the DIY fashions section which gives you and the kids a brilliant way of revamping t-shirts, or any items that you fancy adding a bit of life to actually!

The big trend has been, for quite a while now, to create your own chalkboard art. I’ve seen tutorials on how to paint walls in your kitchen with chalkboard paint so that you can write messages on them and all sorts. To me this has to be one of the coolest ideas ever and I would love to do this in my kitchen. You can apply this idea to tables, walls, pictures and even a desk!

To make your own chalkboard artthere is a great tutorial on She Knows that will talk you through all the elements that you need and how to prepare your own vision of awesome. This is one craft that doesn’t need masses of hardcore skills! Another great spot for inspiration is DIY Mama!

Your next goal could be to make yourself some paper craft decorations for the home. Look, I have actually done some of these using all those endless pictures and paintings that come home with my daughter from school or art club. Instead of binning them or letting them get mouldy on the fridge, I’ve started to use them in arts and crafts around the home.

Take a look at Lushome and their clever ideas on how to take paper and transform it into stunning décor that will complement any part of your home. I love it.

Have a bunch of white cups and plates that are mismatched and out of place? I think every cupboard hosts some of those, they’re a bit like the kitchen equivalent of Missing Sock Syndrome. Instead of binning them, why not grab yourself some porcelain pens and redecorate your home china yourself? You don’t need special equipment or to spend a fortune either.

If you take a look at the ideas on the Think Crafts blog you will see that the artist has come up with some really exciting ideas. I probably wouldn’t manage something that complicated, but a stunning idea for a Christmas gift could be getting your kids to decorate a range of cheap china plates or cups to give to grandparents. Or for you to keep all for yourself. The mismatched madness is very trendy right now and will look stunning as either the centrepiece or as part of your décor.

I have even seen a tutorial for using china cups as light fittings (you can see a bunch of ideas here) and this would be a gorgeous idea if you fancied using those self-decorated cups in the home.

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