Christmas Star Wars Darth Vader Jumper With Sound £20 @ Asda George

Christmas Star Wars Darth Vader Jumper With Sound £20 @ Asda George

This is the perfect Christmas jumper for Star Wars fans - and it even plays music too! Asda are selling this Christmas Star Wars Darth Vader Jumper With Sound for £20 and we predict a sell out!

It's a black jumper with Darth Vader's mask on the front and a 'This Is My Jolly Face' slogan - but the best bit is that it plays music too!

It has a built in soundbox that plays the Star Wars Imperial March to complement the Darth Vader theme of the jumper. Presumably there's a button so that you can set the music off, and they're usually removable soundboxes so that you can pop the jumper in the wash without affecting the sounds.

I think this is wonderful for Star Wars fans, and even though this is in the Men's clothing section I may have to buy one for myself before they sell out!

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