Buy One Get One Free For ALL Designated Drivers With Coca-Cola

Buy One Get One Free For ALL Designated Drivers With Coca-Cola

So, you're the designated driver for Christmas this year. It can be a bit of poop but it beats paying £40+ for a taxi home or slamming your car into a tree when you are drunk. Christmas is the time for parties and we know that sitting paying for soft drinks is pants but Coca-Cola have done their best to give you one perk for being a designated driver. Coca-Cola are offering a FREE Coca-Cola with each one bought. To get yours just visit a participating bar and mention that you are the designated driver, sometimes the barman or lady will ask you to show your car keys when ordering drinks. This offer is not available if you are consuming alcohol.

Maybe you are pregnant and that's why you are the lucky one that gets to chauffeur those cheery drunks home. At least you will get BOGOF on your drinks. Ha! That'll show 'em! Okay, so you'd rather stick some Malibu in it but for now just enjoy the FREEBIES.

The BOGOF offer is available on ALL Coca-Cola/Schweppes soft drinks. Meaning you can vary your drinks, and won't be up all night with the caffeine from all that Coca-Cola.

Around 12,500 pubs and bars are participating across the United Kingdom, which is great news. Especially for those of you in Scotland, as the law on driving after the consumption of alcohol has changed. Keep safe and stick to the soft drinks only.

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