Build-A-Bear have 40% off their little Buddies, and the prices are really impressive! There are clothes and accessories reduced as well as the Buddies themselves, and that even includes a Christmas Elf!
The clothing items start at £1.80, and the Buddies are from just £2.40. That means that even with postage and packing charges you can get one from just £5.65 delivered!
The Christmas Elf* is now down to £2.40, and there's also a cute Mouse and Elephant at the same price. The other Buddies also have 40% off, and are down from £8 to £4.80 each.
There are loads of clothes to choose from for these Buddies, including t-shirts, hoodies, outfits and even swimming costumes all with 40% off.
Unfortunately the Halloween Buddies and the costumes are already sold out apart from this Bat Dress*, but they don't show as out of stock until you click on each item which is a bit of a pain (some feedback for you BAB!)
Delivery charges are from £3.25, so you can pick uo a few lovely gifts here, and perhaps save yourself a few pounds by getting one of these Festive Elf toys rather that the official 'Elf On The Shelf'!
Thanks to JoJoSch @ HUKD