The Works has reduced their new flipback book range by 80% so you can get them for as little as £1.99 a book. You can also take advantage of their three for £5 offer to save even more money and if you spend over £25, you get £10 off. Wow. Oh, and they have a discount code SCHOOL to get you free delivery if you spend over £5.
Flipback books are a new kind of book that open from top to bottom and have sideways printed text so you get a full length novel in little more than the size of a smartphone. What a brilliant and fun idea! If you take advantage of this special offer, then you can stock up on some ace Christmas gifts or stocking fillers for a fraction of their usual price. And I reckon that the people receiving them will LOVE the idea!
The books on offer include titles such as One Day, My Sister’s Keeper, Emma, Pride & Prejudice, Misery, The Bone Collector, Little Face, A Million Pieces, Cold Mountain and plenty more.