It's so easy to lose a child when you are out and about, unless you have them all tethered to you. If you are going to the theme park, zoo, or any other busy place this summer, you may want to consider a Safety Wristband for you child.
Amazon Seller: B&B Wristbands has reusable ones for just £1.99 including FREE delivery.
I was out shopping the other day and came across a distressed little boy. He couldn't find his Gran anywhere and it took a good 15 minutes to find her. In that time the poor wee man was beside himself but not as much as his Granny. If he had one of these Safety Wristbands on, we could have rang the number on it and reunited them quicker.
These have a clip to ensure they stay on and can be used several times. For under £2 delivered, we think these are a great idea.
If you don't want to write details on a Wristband then there are other options. A Bluetooth GPS Tracker... get this one for just £2.95 delivered here*.
We also like these LittleLife Safety Strap Bracelets, here*.