Babystart Safety Gate £10 @ Argos

Babystart Safety Gate £10 @ Argos

babystart safety gate

Baby gates are one of these essential baby items that we feel like we HAVE to purchase. They are normally pretty expensive especially when you want one for the top of the stairs, one for the bottom, for the kitchen and so on. Argos are selling one at £10, now it's not reduced but I am sure you will agree that this is miles cheaper than others on the market.  If you do require multiple gates then these Babystart ones are certainly worth a look at.

These Babystart safety gates have a double locking system, and have a screw fit fixture. They are described as easy to fit and to remove. The gate can be opened with one hand, and have a two way opening.

Argos seem to sell Babystart products at very reasonable prices. When it comes to safety items, no parent wants to skimp and end up with an accident. These gates may not be made by Lindam (the famous child safety brand), and they are no way as expensive, but seems to do the job perfectly according to online reviews. That's good enough for me. I for one will be stocking up because I need one of these on every door.

Why not reserve and collect one of these free from your local Argos store? If you would rather just have them delivered to your front door then it costs £3.95.

Thanks to Miss Saver @ HUKD

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  • ccfcbluebirds
    Where im i able toget the fixings just the fixing from for a babystart baby gate ?