Character Backpacks and Bags from 25p @!

Character Backpacks and Bags from 25p @!

backpacks character pm

I've just had an email from about their 'Backpack Blowout' and the prices are so silly that I had to share straight away. They have a selection of character bags and backpacks on a final clearance, and prices start at 25p! Yes, really.

It's not a huge selection, but characters include Mike The Knight, Mr Tumble, Doctor Who, Ben 10, Bob The Builder and iCarly. Bags are from 25p, there's a purse for 75p, backpacks from 95p, and a wheeled bag for £4.95.

The clothing prices are pretty fabulous as well, and Nada told us about their Spring Sale a couple of weeks ago, with prices from just 95p.

Delivery is free when you spend over £25, but at these prices it takes a lot of items to reach that price - I know, I did it a few weeks ago and the boys wardrobes are bursting at the seams. If you spend less that £25 the postage is £2.95 with each extra item adding 50p.

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