Thomas Books with CD £2.99 each @ The Book People

Thomas Books with CD £2.99 each @ The Book People

jamesYou might have some of these Thomas books already, but do you have a read-along CD to go with them....?

There are lots of these little Thomas books in my house and you can tell which ones are the favourites, they're the ones with the curly corners and creased front covers.  We don't have any Thomas story CDs though and my youngest is at an age now where he'd love to listen and try to read along for himself.

The Book People have reduced the price of these books from £6.99 to £2.99 and you can choose from:

henryAlthough the books are aimed at children aged between three to five, I know that my kids have all enjoyed listening to story CDs from a much earlier age...although the older ones didn't have CDs as stories were still on cassette!

I'm hoping there are more Thomas books with CDs; I'll be keeping an eye out for them.

I can also offer you a free postage code too, so you're only going to pay for the books - just put this code in the promotion code box in your basket: MAYPP

Thanks to edi over at HUKD!

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  • kelly_o_fanatic
    Good to see the free postage code I posted is being used :) dont forget though, it ends thursday (20th may)