Little Red Tractor Book Collection £4.99 @ The Book People

Little Red Tractor Book Collection £4.99 @ The Book People

littleRedTractorBookCollectionThe Little Red Tractor is a hero; The Book People are pretty heroic too, in my opinion, with their book deals - they're selling the eight books that make up this Little Red Tractor Book collection, complete with little rucksack to put them in, for £4.99 instead of the recommended price of £20.

I have such a love for books that I could happily write book deals for you a l l the time, they are just the most amazing things to give and to receive too.

Have you seen the Little Red Tractor programmes on TV?  If you haven't then you're missing out on a huge treat, my youngest has a bit of a thing for anything tractor, digger or JCB and he fel in love with the Little Red Tractor right from the very first episode.

Essentially, the Little Red Tractor is an old fashioned tractor who belongs to a nice farmer and his family. The rich Lord of the Manor has a posh, shiny, all-singing-all-dancing tractor that he likes to show off in.

The thing is something always goes wrong (which is quite funny) and the farmer with the Little Red Tractor have to come and save the day *girn*

I think it's pretty safe to assume that any child who becomes the proud owner of these eight Little Red Tractor books will enjoy listening to, and learning to read, them.

One more thing - if you enter code ZD533 into the promotions code box at the checkout, you'll get free delivery too.

Thanks to Rhys135 at HUKD

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