With a mere eight weeks and a few days before Christmas day, I'm in full Christmas mode and these Night Before Christmas book deals, courtesy, of Amazon and The Book Depository have me feeling all warm and fuzzy with nostalgia.
- Click HERE for the copy on sale at Amazon * - it's the paperback version and currently up for grabs for £2.50
- Click HERE for the copy on sale at The Book Depository - it's a hardback version and priced at £2.97
You may not recognise the book title, but you'll certainly recognise the opening lines of the poem it features...
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
I'm also pretty sure that the majority of people don't know how the poem continues from there; now is the perfect opportunity to learn the rest and set up a family Christmas tradition of reading it on Christmas Eve, in front of the fire with a huge mug of scrummy hot chocolate (I did say I was feeling nostalgic.
There's no delivery to pay on either, you just need to decide which format you'd prefer your copy of The Night Before Christmas in.
Thanks to missy1982 and scrabble123 at HUKD