Hubble Bubble Granny Trouble Plus Free Book £2.99 @ Red House Books

Hubble Bubble Granny Trouble Plus Free Book £2.99 @ Red House Books

If you like bagging book bargains then you're going to like this deal from Red House Books.

So, you can bag a copy of Hubble Bubble Granny Troublefor just £2.99, instead of £10.99 (Amazon are currently selling it for £6.15) - it's the story of a little girl who starts to figure out why her granny is a little bit weird, she's a WITCH!

She  spends a while trying to change her magical granny, before she realises that it is, in fact, more fun to join in and be witchy too.  I would have loved this story when I was a little girl, I'll be honest it still appeals to my inner little girl now!

SO, add Hubble Bubble Granny Trouble to your basket and enter JDAS into the promotion code box - as if by magic (must be granny) a free gift book will apppear.

It's a Lacing Cards Playful Pets book and it looks rather fun - the official blurb says it will, and I quote, "encourage hand-eye coordination and develop manual dexterity as well as providing an entertaining activity for small children."

Finally, add 117FREE to that promotion code box and you'll get free delivery too.  Hubble Bubble Granny Trouble, a Lacing Cards Playful Pets book AND free delivery all for £2.99 - can't be bad!

Thanks to IndianaDunn and SeeBell at HUKD

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