These four Cosytime Stories in their little presentation slip case are just too cute not to tell you about; I can rarely resist a good book deal and these definitely fall into that category - Play are selling them for £5.99 at the moment, Amazon have got them priced at £16.97 and only have one left!
We'll stick with Play for this one then, I think that's the best idea, don't you?
I want to read these now; I just know that from the titles alone, the stories are going to be lovely and will leave you with that 'aahhhhh' warm and fluffy feeling at the end of each one. this is the one drawback of having older children, they just don't appreciate being given pressies like these CosyTime Stories just so I can enjoy them.
'The Very Sleepy Sloth', 'When will it be Spring', 'I'll always love you' and 'What are you doing in my bed?' are the four Cosytime stories that make up this little book collection, which will be perfect for reading at bedtime whilst having sleepy cuddles; awesome.
Thanks to andywedge at HUKD