Children's Fiction Lucky Dip 20 Book Bundle £14.99 @ WHSmith

Children's Fiction Lucky Dip 20 Book Bundle £14.99 @ WHSmith

This lucky dip bundle of 20 children's fiction books is just £14.99 at WHSmith just now.

The Children's Fiction Lucky Dip Bundle contains 20 books by a wide mix of children's authors. Do bear in mind that it's a lucky dip bundle though, so the range of books you may receive will be quite varied.

Each bundle is individual, so WHSmith also cannot guarantee the exact titles you will receive, and those pictured are for illustrative purposes only. Also actual cover illustrations may vary from those shown.

But this strikes me as a great way to get the kids back into reading before they go back to school, and for just 75p per book! Here's what one happy customer had to say about this deal:

"These books are fantastic. You get 20 books ranging from age 5+ to young adult. You get a good selection of books that are betwwen £4.00-£7.99 in value in store on the shelf. I am very pleased and have orded these 3 times for my friends. Well recommended with a huge, huge saving."

With thanks to jamestfc1 @ HUKD!

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