Bananas are The Book People's online clearance shop; they've got this Anthony Horowitz Humour Book Collection of 10 books up for grabs for £12 instead of their £55.90 list price.
Anthony Horowitz books are for older children so I wouldn't go buying them for your child(ren) if they're under eight years old, they might be just a little too much.
Both in terms of reading ability AND suitability.
I'm not entirely sure why these books have been grouped together and labelled a 'humour' collection - Anthony Horowitz stories are better described as thrillers; he's the guy who penned Midsommer Murders and the Alex Rider 'Stormbreaker' series, if that helps to give you a bit of a clue of his style.
Before I have parents panicking, his tales are not 'Stephen King for kids' and both my older children (17 and 16 now) enjoyed reading his books as kids. They say I must tell you that his books are 'exciting' and 'awesome'.
Delivery from Bananas will take between seven and 10 working days and cost you an additional £3.95.
Thanks to CloudCuckooLand at HUKD