Planning a party? Think of the party bags...they can cost a bomb to fill but not if you shop wisely. We have found some cheap bubbles over on Amazon. Amazon Seller Ed's Party Pieces are selling 24 bottles of Bubbles for just £2.50 including FREE delivery. This works out at around 10p a bottle. Now I don't know about you but normally I pay anything between 50p to £1 for a bottle, so this in my eyes is an absolute steal.
My kids love Bubbles and it's not hard to refill these bottles once they are empty. Bubbles are always a hit with kids and come the summer it's nice to have the children blowing them about the garden.
They are recommended for children aged three years old and over, I guess this is because children younger than this might drink the bubble liquid inside.
Check out the other items from UK based seller Ed's Party Pieces for the rest of your party requirements. Even if you aren't having a party they sell some fun and inexpensive novelty items.