10 Terrific Mother’s Day Crafts

10 Terrific Mother’s Day Crafts


Mother’s Day is on Sunday 30 March and while that may seem like ages away, now is the perfect time to get crafty and make something special for the big day. Here are ten of the tastiest ideas that I could find for you to make this Mother’s Day and all of them are budget friendly and ever so clever.

1. Perfumed tea blends


This is such a gorgeous idea. Go out and get some cheap and cheerful glass tubes, like the ones you use for science experiments, or any sweet and cost-effective glass storage containers. You don’t need to spend much money. Then get some lovely tea blends from your local shop, mix them together by following the ideas on this site here, and pop them into the tubes with a handmade tag. Gorgeous.

2. Paper flower bouquet

This is a stunner to do with the kids. You can make your own bouquets of paper flowers following the instructions on Crafts & DIY. You may need to fork out for some of the equipment, but I’m pretty sure you’ve already got most of the items lying around at home anyway.

3. Embroidered child’s drawing

I love this idea! Take the mom in question, get her to choose her favourite picture created by her child, and then get it made into a stunning embroidery hoop. Just follow the instructions on this Homemade Gifts Made Easy blog and you’ll also have a gift to remember.

4. Simple Bloom Necklace


The creator of this blog – Everything Etsy – claims that this is the easiest pattern ever and it looks magnificent. You can make this for mum, the teacher, grandma – heck, make it for any of the special ladies in your life. Why not?

5. Mosaic flowerpot

Mosaics are big right now and you don’t even need to be very good at it to make something brilliant. Find your local craft supplier, get them to help you select the supplies in colours you know that mum will love and get making. This particular project is ideal for kids.

6. Mother’s Day Pencil holder


Empty food cans and paper are the equipment of the day here. You can recycle an old food can and use cool paper and crafts to make an awesome pencil holder. Every working parent needs one of these to look at fondly during the day.

7. Mini canvas masterpieces

Awesome idea! You can buy blank mini canvases from your nearest WH Smith without so much as a whiff of worry and then all you need is little fingers and a spot of imagination. Get the kids to paint their hearts out on these little canvas boards and you’ve got gorgeous works of original art to hang around the home or keep at the office.

8. Egg carton awesome


With recycling in mind, what about this brilliant and easy craft that kids can make for mum? Just follow the instructions on the ModgePodgeRocks blog and you can create a piece of brilliant artwork using just the things you have lying about at home.

9. Handprints for Grandma

This is a list of 12 handprint ideas to make Grandma for Mother’s Day. You can just as easily create this for mum or as a gift or for Grandpa when Father’s Day rolls around. The handprint cushion is absolutely beautiful as is the Handprint apron keepsake. You can make these very quickly and easily and need only offer parental guidance on some of the tricky bits. A total win!

10. DIY photo candle


And if all of that wasn’t awesome enough, how about this DIY photo candle that you can make by following the instructions on this blog here. It’s really pretty and the fact that you can use any photograph around means you can make something truly personal. It’s a gem.

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