Lamaze Lights And Sounds Wrap And Go Flower £6.99 @ Amazon

Lamaze Lights And Sounds Wrap And Go Flower £6.99 @ Amazon

The original price for this Lamaze Lights and Sounds Wrap and Go Flower is £14.99; Amazon have reduced it, temporarily, down to £6.99.

If you're a regular visitor to PlayPennies then you might have worked out that I am a HUGE fan of anything Lamaze.

My youngest son was given a Lamaze Octotunes and the entire family became smitten, even going as far as naming the musical octopus 'Lamaisy' - all things Lamaze are now referred to as 'Lamaisey toys' in my household.

Lamaze toys (did you 'hear' Lamaisey in your head then...?) are just fabulous for little ones who are just beginning to discover the world around them.

They are brightly coloured, they crinkle, they rattle, they have different textures and make other sounds, all of which helps develop your baby's senses; marvellous.

The Lamaze Lights and Sounds Wrap and Go Flower is suitable from birth onwards and has a flashlight feature for extra visual sensory delight.

The flower stalk bends too so you can easily attach it to the side of the cot, by wrapping it round the rails, or to car seats and carriers.

The three AAA batteries it needs are also included.

Thanks to pducar at HUKD  

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